
Growing with LED Grow Lights: 7 Common Mistakes
Learn how to grow high-quality medical cannabis with LED grow lights by avoiding these 7 common mistakes. Discover tips on proper light placement, watering, choosing the right LED grow lights, providing enough light, ventilation, and following the right lighting schedule.

Why Grow lighting in a greenhouse is not such a bad idea at all
Als gepassioneerde kwekers hebben wij allemaal wel eens nagedacht over de ideale omstandigheden in onze kweekruimte of tuinkas voor onze groene vrienden. Of we nu fervente kwekers zijn verse groenten en kruiden voor een betere gezondheid of dat we thuis onze pesticidevrije cannabis kweken, één ding is zeker: de juiste verlichting maakt het verschil!

LED vs. HPS Grow Lights: Which One Is Better?
Jij hebt je vast en zeker afgevraagd welke keuze je moest maken. Kiezen voor een LED kweeklamp, of het zekere voor het onzekere kiezen, en toch voor de conventionele, maar bewezen HPS Kweeklampen kiezen? Vergelijking LED vs. HPS, welke presteert beter en geeft meer opbrengst; welke kies JIJ?

LED Lighting, Types & Benefits for Your Grow Room!
LED-verlichting is energiezuinig, duurzaam en ideaal voor het kweken van planten. Het biedt voordelen zoals geen UV-straling, langere levensduur, minder warmte en eenvoudige installatie. Met verschillende soorten kweekverlichting, zoals strips en UFO’s, kun je het juiste klimaat creëren voor een optimale plantengroei.

The Light Spectrum and the Influence on the Growth and Flowering of your Plants
Ontdek de invloed van het lichtspectrum op de groei en bloei van je planten. Leer hoe de juiste kweekverlichting, zoals LED, HPS, MH of CMH cruciaal is voor optimale resultaten. Of je nu professionele kweker bent of thuis jouw favoriete planten kweekt, kies de beste kweeklampen voor maximale oogst en kwaliteit.

What to do in case of flooding as a grower?
Discover how you as a grower can prevent waterlogging and grow your crops optimally! 🌱
Learn about smart solutions like trenching, submersible pumps and grow lights. Maximize your yield with effective strategies for healthy plants.
Learn about smart solutions like trenching, submersible pumps and grow lights. Maximize your yield with effective strategies for healthy plants.

Getting started with pilea cuttings
Discover how to grow your own Pilea cuttings! In our blog you will learn everything about propagating the beloved pancake plant, including a step-by-step guide, care tips, and common mistakes. Expand your plant collection easily and affordably! 🌱

The Basics of Grow Lighting
The Basics of Grow Lights: An Enlightening Guide for Beginners
Grow lights are essential tools in modern horticulture and hydroponics. Whether you...

3 Handy Tools for a Grower
There are several tools available for growers that can make growing different types of plants even easier. For example, consider using different t...

How can you grow your own crops?
Perhaps you have just purchased a greenhouse or are thinking about starting to grow your own vegetables. Then you may still have a lot of question...

Have a lighting plan drawn up by the lighting architect
Have a lighting plan made by a lighting architect ? What exactly is that and how does it work? BinTTec helps individuals and companies to provide ...

3 maintenance tips for your garden plants
Maintaining your garden is essential to keep plants alive. Not only plants need to be maintained well, think of trees and shrubs too! By pruning y...

Keep heat inside and insects out of the greenhouse!
Growing plants and flowers in a greenhouse is a perfect way. However, there are a number of things that are very important to have in order in you...