Binnen paprika's kweken doe je zo

Do you want to get a head start on the growing season or do you want to grow exotic seeds? Then growing peppers indoors is an excellent option. This is easily done by purchasing TL or LED lighting and hanging it from a pulley or chain. In addition, good temperature regulation and air circulation are important factors.

The ideal conditions for growing peppers

If you provide fourteen to sixteen hours of light per day, and a daytime temperature of between 20 and 28 degrees and a maximum of ten degrees less at night, then you will provide the best conditions. Good air circulation can be provided with a small fan. This prevents damage by mold and mildew and the stems become stronger due to the wind simulation. Do you want to place your harvest outside eventually? Then do not start earlier than eight to ten weeks before the last frost.

A step further in lighting

Want to get more out of your peppers? Then take a step further in lighting. On a sunny day, the crops are flooded with 75,000 to 100,000 lumens. Lumens indicate the light intensity. These lumens can also be obtained from lighting. HID lamps are particularly suitable for this, with HPS (high-pressure sodium) fixtures. This gives your crops good flowering and fruiting.

HPS light for pepper cultivation

Next, it is important to know how many lumens a sodium lamp gives. This is 31,000 lumens (for a surface of half a square meter) at 250 Watt and 98,000 lumens (for a surface of 1.2 square meters) at 600 Watt HPS lamp . This lighting does require a bit more energy, but because of the ideal light you can be sure that your peppers will fully bloom!
