With summer just around the corner, you can sit in the garden again. Of course, you want to sit in a beautiful and atmospheric garden. Beautiful plants and good lighting are essential for this. This article will describe how you can make your plants grow as well as possible and what trends there are in lighting in the garden.
How does a plant grow
A plant comes from a seed. When this seed grows, a rootlet develops from the seed. This is the beginning of the plant. Stems develop from the small root. These are lobes. In order to continue growing, the plant needs food from the environment of the plant. The process by which a plant searches for food in the environment is called photosynthesis.
What does a plant need to grow
You now know how a plant grows. However, you do not yet know what a plant needs to grow well. A plant first needs glucose. This is produced by means of light and water. It is therefore necessary for a plant to receive water and light. The amount of this varies per plant. For example, some plants need a lot of water, others less. What is in any case bad for plants are: Drought, cold and wind. In addition, too much water and sun is also not good. If you want to ensure the growth of your plant in a different way, you can also choose to purchase a greenhouse.
Garden lighting
Your plants need light to grow. However, it is also nice to have lighting in your garden. This brings a lot of atmosphere to your garden. A trend for this summer is LED lighting. This is lighting that lasts up to 10 times longer than regular lighting. This can save you a lot of money. LED lighting is also a lot more sustainable and good for the environment. So choose LED lighting for more atmosphere in your garden and for the environment.