Assortimentsuitbreiding led kweeklampen

Because the indoor growing season is coming up again, we have decided to expand the range with no less than 7 new LED grow lights from well-known brands. When selecting the new LED grow lights, we mainly paid attention to the quality of the material, built-in ventilation and the expected lifespan.

This allows us to proudly present the following new brands in our range:


We are very enthusiastic about the Phantom grow lights. These grow lights are characterized by the extra functions such as dimming the lamp. Setting the light spectrum and setting a time schedule on the lamp. This means you no longer need a timer!

ZA series

From the ZA series we selected the 120W growlamp because of the good balance between price, power consumption and quality. The same growlamp is also available in a version with a wide lens for an even better distribution of the light.

Cidly UFO

The Cidly UFO is a very robust LED grow light made of high-quality materials. Due to the serrated edge, the LEDs of this UFO grow light do not come into contact with moisture. Of course, also with built-in ventilation so that the UFO does not get hot.


The Apollo grow lights are characterized by the different parts of LEDs. This makes these grow lights ideal to hang close above the plant so that the intensity of the light on the plant is optimal.

*These lamps have been discontinued as of February 2014 due to delivery problems with the manufacturer.
