Tijdschema kweeklampen

How long should lights actually burn? This of course depends on the type of plant you are growing, the climate and sometimes also the type of lamp you are using. However, there are a few general rules that you can follow. By adjusting the time schedule, the plant knows whether it is the growth or bloom phase. In the growth phase, the plants need a bit more light as you can see below.

General scheme:

- Growth phase 18/6. The largest part of the day light. In this phase the plants need slightly cooler (blue) light. The growth phase lasts on average 3 weeks.

- Flowering phase 12/12. Half the day dark, half the day light. In this phase the plants need warm (red) light. The flowering phase lasts on average 7 weeks.

Tip: If the plants are very close to the lamps, you can give them an hour less light to compensate.

TIP: There are also autoflower plants that are not sensitive to a time schedule. These plants can even grow if you leave the light on 24/7. However, the plants also grow well if you keep the schedule at 12/12.

TIP: Use a timer to set the schedule. That way you don't have to worry about it anymore.
